"Whenever there is decline in righteousness and rise in unrighteousness, O Bharata, then I send forth Myself. For the protection of the good and the destruction of the evil and the establishment of righteousness, I come into being from age to age". said LORD KRISHNA, Bhagavad Gita (IV. 7-8)
Sadgurus or Perfect masters are in reality, those seers who have realized the Absolute or have reached the highest realm of spiritual attainment, are present for ever in the whole universe whether in an embodied or in an un-embodied state. They make their presence felt in gross, subtle, or mental world. Their purpose in life is to accomplish a Divine Mission, in order to achieve this they must let go of their ego and work harmoniously with the forces of nature.
A Sadguru is the one who leads the created to the creator. Their actions are universal in nature cutting across religions, nations and all divisions of society. In fact the descent of the Divine in human form is to create conditions for the human to ascend to his Divine essence. Everything that happens is but the expression of the Divine Will and the descent of the Divine energy and the ascent of the human aspiration are mutually complementary.
Sri Krishna recommended, we should approach the wise Teacher "Learn THAT (Eternal Truth, the Brahman) by humble reverence, by inquiry and by service. The men of wisdom who have seen the Truth will instruct you in that wisdom".
Sadgurus are infinite existence, infinite knowledge and infinite bliss.
The form of Guru is the root of meditation,
The feet of the Guru are the root of worship,
The teaching of the Guru is the root of all hymns and
The Grace of the Guru is the root of salvation.
The Sadgurus or perfect masters are born at different times in different places and with different cultural backgrounds. Strangely enough their external situations may be widely variant but their actions in their embodied stages display a common theme and common approach to solve the human problems.
While Lord Dattatreya was the primal manifestation in the Guru tradition, the other ‘Guru’ incarnations in this tradition were:
1. Sripad Sri Vallabh
2. Sri Narasimha Saraswati
3. Shree Swami Samartha
4. Sri Manik Prabhu
5. Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi
These divine incarnations by their spiritual splendour and eminence, as well as by their guidance to the mankind have made India a glorious place.